Thursday, September 30, 2010


(stencil and test spray)
More work for Miami.
Right now just prepping stencils for upcoming travel.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Thanks to my friend in London, "South" for the DVD.
and Thanks to Lesser of Soa Krew/Visual Bluff in Vegas for the stickers.

Mason Knows...Nothing

Ive been meaning to post this.
I had to rip the image with a screen shot from my phone since the twat disabled downloading of his images.
He took my images of my work and posted them on his site, so why shouldnt I be able to do the same?
Mason does NOT know Ataraxia...He doesnt even know my gender soooo that pretty much sums it up.

I didnt realize sending a rude message would get you your own trading card at the time. But if he wants to waste his time then thats up to him. I posted this here because I think this shit is funny.

Im not going to go into the details of what all this is about because Im not going to give it the publicity it doesnt need.

Short Cuts

Just a continuation of the last post. Made a pocket sized can too.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Yarn Bombing

People seem to be pretty interested in these so I decided to post them up on here.
Yes i made them myself, yes they are crochet and yes they are actual can sized.
(cap is actual cap too :p )

Monday, September 6, 2010


