Friday, July 30, 2010

Keep It (Sur)real

Granted it has been slow. I need to find a day job, because being a vandal isnt paying my bills.
This is the most recent piece Ive done. Was having some "writers" block and decided to make a piece thats a nod to a great artist. Its also one of my favorite words...the placement came about as I was looking for a spot and the night I was cutting this I drove by this building I always pass, and noticed the sign. I thought it would be funny/ironic to put it there.
1. Having qualities attributed to or associated with surrealism: "Even with most facilities shut down ... a few mavericks managed to slip into the park to sample the almost surreal emptiness before the shutdown ended." (Peter H. King).
2. Having an oddly dreamlike quality.

So anyways it was a pain in the ass to get up. Ive done most of my pieces nearby but this one was just in too plain of site. I didnt get a chance to add my tag to it as someone started walking over to where I was, I jumped in my car and drove away. Since I was behind my car its no big deal, they didnt see me actually do anything.

BTW Krink + Stucco = FAIL

Suggestions from a friend/fellow artist may lead to some variations involving fish.

This lasted about a week, its been covered. Guess they dont like irony at the sleep lab.

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