Sunday, June 27, 2010

Vice City

As I was driving home I was reminded of a quote by Mr B...
"Imagine a city where graffiti wasn't illegal, a city where everybody draw whatever they liked. Where every street was awash with a million colours and little phrases. Where standing at a bus stop was never boring. A city that felt like a party where everyone was invited, not just the estate agents and barons of big business. Imagine a city like that and stop leaning against the wall - it's wet. "

I get that impression in Miami...its still illegal by all means...but I think most people just dont care. All my pieces that I had put up MONTHS ago are still there and intact. In that process there is now a wall in the design district that was dubbed "Ataraxia's Wall" by my traveling companion, as I have hit every side of it. (One side is the Obey piece which is pictured in a previous entry).

Only got up two of the three images, these are both one offs. I destroyed the first piece after painting it, so there would be no evidence (cops were everywhere in the area that this one was painted). The second got ripped as I was pulling the stencil off of the wall. A bit of overspray on the second, as well as Id have liked the tag to be closer to the legs. was using a fat cap and was in a hurry, but no excuses Im learning with each one...Stencilling is new to me and I have no one to show me the ropes. (For those who dont know, I have been doing free hand graffiti since I was ten. Im in no means great at it though (I suck at letter, Im good at characters), I went through a long and rough period where I wasnt able to make art)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Im the only thing Im afraid of.

So apparently I opened my big mouth a little bit too wide.
I left a comment for a certain "artist" on flickr. Now I will be included in some sort of trading card pack hes making up. (I didnt want to be in it, but I guess thats the price you pay.) Im not going to go into a rant here, because its not worth the time.

Pre cut and test spray. (stencil has undergone a few changes, will see result after it goes up on the wall!)

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Sneak peak

Getting ready for Miami...about to start cutting...before and after...more to come. Going to be REAL busy the next few days.

They cant all be winners...

I am soooooooo NOT happy with this.
I wasnt going to post it because its such a disappointment to me, but then i figured, this is a time line of my journey. So even though I think its horrible I feel that I'll share my mistakes, because after all Im just human.
So heres what happened, in transit the stencil got crushed under a seat in my car, and with all the fine detail it bent so I had to lean against the wall/stencil while puting it up to try to keep it flat. I ended up painting my left forearm black. The swirls would have came out better but Im going to blame the fact I was in a very very dark alley painting this. There have been A LOT of cops out lately, and my itch to paint is too great. (this piece took me so long to finish, and then when I get it up, it doesnt even meet my expectations)

Someone get me a flashlight...

Friday, June 18, 2010

FINALLY Exit...comes to Miami

Sat June 26 Banksy's Exit will screen in Miami, FL.

Of course A.1. and crew will be attending. And NEW work from Ataraxia will be popping up around vice city. Keep your eyes peeled and pictures to follow...

Friday, June 11, 2010


Finishing up cutting her out. Hopefully she'll get up on a wall later tonight...Trying to figure out how the hell Im going to pull off the hair...(yes, she's life size)

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Friday, June 4, 2010

Masked Emotions

Orange seems to be a favorite of mine.