Friday, October 8, 2010

Munny Shots

A few random shots of some of my custom Munnys. For more information regarding DIY vinyl toys, see

Thursday, September 30, 2010


(stencil and test spray)
More work for Miami.
Right now just prepping stencils for upcoming travel.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Thanks to my friend in London, "South" for the DVD.
and Thanks to Lesser of Soa Krew/Visual Bluff in Vegas for the stickers.

Mason Knows...Nothing

Ive been meaning to post this.
I had to rip the image with a screen shot from my phone since the twat disabled downloading of his images.
He took my images of my work and posted them on his site, so why shouldnt I be able to do the same?
Mason does NOT know Ataraxia...He doesnt even know my gender soooo that pretty much sums it up.

I didnt realize sending a rude message would get you your own trading card at the time. But if he wants to waste his time then thats up to him. I posted this here because I think this shit is funny.

Im not going to go into the details of what all this is about because Im not going to give it the publicity it doesnt need.

Short Cuts

Just a continuation of the last post. Made a pocket sized can too.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Yarn Bombing

People seem to be pretty interested in these so I decided to post them up on here.
Yes i made them myself, yes they are crochet and yes they are actual can sized.
(cap is actual cap too :p )

Monday, September 6, 2010




Tuesday, August 31, 2010

...Its been awhile.

Ive been busy.
Life doesnt stop kicking you when youre down apparently.

Only good news Ive had is someone had expressed an interest to buy one of my canvases. Im currently finishing it up. Ive cut a few stencils as well but Ive been in a collision and have been in too much pain to be climbing around, running, ducking, etc.

Sooo the canvas will soon be in its new home in the UK and I'll post a pic when its done.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Lets do this....

This made me smile.
And I was told "Look what youre starting!" I dont think its me, but overall I am happy to start seeing some quality around. Not sure who did it, if youre reading this though GOOD JOB! Think it was an ad for a furniture store. (Now covered, lasted two days)

"Fuck that. Any advert in a public space that gives you no choice whether you see it or not is yours. Its yours to take, re-arrange and re-use. You can do whatever you want with it. Asking for permission is like asking to keep a rock someone just threw at your head."

Friday, July 30, 2010

Keep It (Sur)real

Granted it has been slow. I need to find a day job, because being a vandal isnt paying my bills.
This is the most recent piece Ive done. Was having some "writers" block and decided to make a piece thats a nod to a great artist. Its also one of my favorite words...the placement came about as I was looking for a spot and the night I was cutting this I drove by this building I always pass, and noticed the sign. I thought it would be funny/ironic to put it there.
1. Having qualities attributed to or associated with surrealism: "Even with most facilities shut down ... a few mavericks managed to slip into the park to sample the almost surreal emptiness before the shutdown ended." (Peter H. King).
2. Having an oddly dreamlike quality.

So anyways it was a pain in the ass to get up. Ive done most of my pieces nearby but this one was just in too plain of site. I didnt get a chance to add my tag to it as someone started walking over to where I was, I jumped in my car and drove away. Since I was behind my car its no big deal, they didnt see me actually do anything.

BTW Krink + Stucco = FAIL

Suggestions from a friend/fellow artist may lead to some variations involving fish.

This lasted about a week, its been covered. Guess they dont like irony at the sleep lab.

Saturday, July 17, 2010


Help support one of my fellow FL artists.
If you're in FL, GO. That is all :)

(Ill be there)

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Vice City

As I was driving home I was reminded of a quote by Mr B...
"Imagine a city where graffiti wasn't illegal, a city where everybody draw whatever they liked. Where every street was awash with a million colours and little phrases. Where standing at a bus stop was never boring. A city that felt like a party where everyone was invited, not just the estate agents and barons of big business. Imagine a city like that and stop leaning against the wall - it's wet. "

I get that impression in Miami...its still illegal by all means...but I think most people just dont care. All my pieces that I had put up MONTHS ago are still there and intact. In that process there is now a wall in the design district that was dubbed "Ataraxia's Wall" by my traveling companion, as I have hit every side of it. (One side is the Obey piece which is pictured in a previous entry).

Only got up two of the three images, these are both one offs. I destroyed the first piece after painting it, so there would be no evidence (cops were everywhere in the area that this one was painted). The second got ripped as I was pulling the stencil off of the wall. A bit of overspray on the second, as well as Id have liked the tag to be closer to the legs. was using a fat cap and was in a hurry, but no excuses Im learning with each one...Stencilling is new to me and I have no one to show me the ropes. (For those who dont know, I have been doing free hand graffiti since I was ten. Im in no means great at it though (I suck at letter, Im good at characters), I went through a long and rough period where I wasnt able to make art)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Im the only thing Im afraid of.

So apparently I opened my big mouth a little bit too wide.
I left a comment for a certain "artist" on flickr. Now I will be included in some sort of trading card pack hes making up. (I didnt want to be in it, but I guess thats the price you pay.) Im not going to go into a rant here, because its not worth the time.

Pre cut and test spray. (stencil has undergone a few changes, will see result after it goes up on the wall!)

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Sneak peak

Getting ready for Miami...about to start cutting...before and after...more to come. Going to be REAL busy the next few days.

They cant all be winners...

I am soooooooo NOT happy with this.
I wasnt going to post it because its such a disappointment to me, but then i figured, this is a time line of my journey. So even though I think its horrible I feel that I'll share my mistakes, because after all Im just human.
So heres what happened, in transit the stencil got crushed under a seat in my car, and with all the fine detail it bent so I had to lean against the wall/stencil while puting it up to try to keep it flat. I ended up painting my left forearm black. The swirls would have came out better but Im going to blame the fact I was in a very very dark alley painting this. There have been A LOT of cops out lately, and my itch to paint is too great. (this piece took me so long to finish, and then when I get it up, it doesnt even meet my expectations)

Someone get me a flashlight...

Friday, June 18, 2010

FINALLY Exit...comes to Miami

Sat June 26 Banksy's Exit will screen in Miami, FL.

Of course A.1. and crew will be attending. And NEW work from Ataraxia will be popping up around vice city. Keep your eyes peeled and pictures to follow...

Friday, June 11, 2010


Finishing up cutting her out. Hopefully she'll get up on a wall later tonight...Trying to figure out how the hell Im going to pull off the hair...(yes, she's life size)

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Friday, June 4, 2010

Masked Emotions

Orange seems to be a favorite of mine.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Rule number One - Cardio

This was real fun.
Running errands in the evening, I spotted this great sign...ALL BLANK with "COMING SOON" in big red letters across the bottom. I couldnt resist.
4am, while all of you sleep, Im out on OBT (a main street through the Orlando area.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

❤ Rats

Painting in the dark is hard! :P
I think they came out decent as I couldnt see what I was doing and the pink cap decided to explode.

Thursday, April 29, 2010


Spent the start of the week in Tampa.
Visited a friend and brought some cans.
Everyone went crazy and started painting up the walls of his studio. Which by the way has no ventilation.
Didnt get to any street work, got incredibly drunk on free drinks at the club. Which reminded me of why I only drink top shelf liquor - It doesnt make you feel like shit the next day. Those drinks may have been free, but I certainly paid for them.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Stencil Process

Just so no one is confused later, I hand draw and cut all my stencils. No printers, no tracing, nothing. Thats why they look like shit.

P.S. watch The IT Crowd.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


No streetwork.
Been busy sculpting this for the past week.
I dont have much experience with sculpting, but I really like how he came out. And thanks to kidrobot for coming out with a more rat friendly shape. Ive been meaning to get this idea out of my head, but really didnt want to deal with trying to fit it to a munny's body.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Ataraxia the Enigma

After BrixPix viewed my Flickr I was told "You are an enigma inside a [vinyl] toy!"

Id like to think so, but you would probably be disappointed. Im actually rather boring.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Obey Me

Walking around Miami, drunk, sleep deprived and rolling, I couldnt resist. Im not 100% happy with it though. I was carrying my stencils in a messenger bag and it got bent a little in transport so the image turned out a bit fuzzy.
(march 29, 10)

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Spent the day at the beach.
People walked by curious as to what we were doing, I think some of them wanted to draw in the sand too.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Serves them right

Apparently the cop almost hit a guy riding a bicycle, and swerved and hit a SUV. (Story from Walmart employee) I hope they treat him just like they would treat one of us, if we did it.
(yeah the picture isnt so clear, but I had to take it on the fly while going around the corner.)

On the other hand Im enjoying carrying a black book with me at all times. Otherwise I would forget all these great ideas I come up with for pieces.

Saturday, April 3, 2010


Out and about tonight. This was at the entrance to a shopping center. Not sure what its for or what store exactly it went to, but all I can say about it is why the fuck is there a fork on it?!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Welcome to Ataraxia

Well Im not much of a blogger, but I decided this is the best way to get out there.